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Hi! First of all, welcome to the SUKATA blog. In this space, you will check out content about fashion, sustainability and art! We want to pique your interest in the universe of sustainable fashion, so that you can look at the environment around you more generously, making smart choices that will benefit you, your family and the planet!

In this post, you will understand what sustainable fashion means and why you should always consider it when shopping.

Sustainable fashion assumptions

The concept of sustainable fashion encompasses the relationship between the creation of clothes/accessories and the environment, and primarily implies the reduction of negative impacts related to any activities of the fashion segment. On the other hand, it involves methodologies and processes that respect the environment, fauna, flora, and that value the people involved in the entire production chain.

Fortunately, this practice is no longer a trend to become a central element of brands that want to stand out in the market.

It is an upward eco-fashion movement and it is no wonder. The fashion industry is the second most polluting in the world1.

Responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions, it means more than all international flights and maritime transport combined, according to the report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, quoted in the excellent report by Mongabay, a non-profit news agency2.

Therefore, rethinking not only production, but consumption along these lines is urgent.

In this way and, in practice, sustainable fashion involves several actions, which permeate all stages of production: from the choice of materials to the treatment of workers.

In addition, they go beyond production with materials that would be thrown in the trash towards increasingly innovative and ecosystem-friendly technologies.

Upcycling, pineapple skins and more make up sustainable fashion

Did you know that seaweed, soy, orange peel, sugar cane yarn and pineapple are already used in textile production?

In addition, products made from plastic bottles, tires – the well-known recycling – and even upcycling, which translates into the creation of something new from materials that already exist on the market, are a reality.

This is just a sample of a universe focused on the study, discovery and development of new technologies and more sustainable production!

4 benefits of sustainable fashion for you

Having said all that, you are probably aware of the importance and benefits of sustainable fashion for the environment, but the good news is that they extend to all of us!

We list the main advantages of being the protagonist of the fashion/sustainable combo, making people aware of their interaction and making better consumption choices.

  1. Less risks to human health: less extraction of materials from nature, less disposal in the environment, efficient use of water resources, less pollution: all of these have a profound impact on your health.
  2. Improved quality of life: yes, we’re not just talking about a lower risk of illness, but a general improvement in physical and mental well-being which, in turn, directly and indirectly interfere with their insertion and contribution to society.
  3. Economy. In contrast to a potentially higher cost of products with a sustainable base, the economy comes from choosing to make more conscious choices, buying without exaggeration; choosing timeless pieces with greater durability and investing in reusing your wardrobe instead of thinking you always need more and more.
  4. More creativity. Yes! Looking at your clothes, shoes and accessories with another look, which is not to discard because you got bored, but to reframe and create a new life for that piece, requires you to think outside the box.

Sustainable fashion is much more than preserving and respecting the ecosystem. It must be a lifestyle. To make choices that will benefit your life, your family’s life and the life of the planet.

Therefore, we hope that when you buy a sustainable product, you know that it is not just beautiful on the outside. The beauty is in the stories, in the care, affection and affection that he carries.

Do you want to know our products? Click below to check out the fashionists, modern and sustainable bags handmade by Brazilian artisans.

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